Friday Night

Álbum: Dead Ends and Girlfriends ( 1999)

it's friday night and I can't sleep
too many thoughts inside of me
my head is spinning round feet
it's friday night i'm on the street
cuz I had to get something to drink
now my head's between my feet

now it's time for me to wake up
cuz I can't see what's going on
now it't time for me to wake up
it's time to turn myself around

throw my problems away

it's friday night and i can't sleep
too many thoughts inside of me
my head is spinning round feet
it's friday night i'm on the street
cuz I had to get something to drink
now my head's between my feet

now it's time for me to wake up
cuz I can't see what's going on
now it't time for me to wake up
it's time to turn myself around

throw my problems away


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