The Famous Final Scene
Bob Seger


Parte 1:

think in terms of bridges burned

think of seasons that must end

see the rivers rise and fall

they will rise and fall again


everything must have an end

like an ocean to a shore

like a river to a stream

like a river to a stream

it s the famous final scene

(Repete intro)

Parte 2:

and how you tried to make it work

did you really think it could

how you tried to make it last

did you really think it would


like a guest who stayed too long

now it s finally time to leave

yes, it s finally time to leave

take it calmly and serene

it s the famous final scene

it s been coming on so long

you were just the last to know

it s been a long time since you ve smiled

seems like oh so long ago

now the stage has all been set

and the nights are growing cold

soon the winter will be here

and there s no one warm to hold

( )

Parte 3:

now the lines have all been read

and you knew them all by heart

now you move toward the door

here it comes the hardest part


try the handle of the road

feeling different feeling strange

this can never be arranged

as the light fades from the screen

from the famous final scene


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