e |
B |
G |
D |
A 710787|
D |
play four time palm muted
then play
e |
B |
G |
D 22222222|
A 22222222|
D 25232252322523|
on fourt time play
D 2222223333|
A 2222223333|
D 25232252323333|
then on second time play 3 s 8 times instead of four
e |
B 5|
G 5|
D 22222222222222play four times then 33|
A 2222222222222233|
D 2222222222222233|
harmonics on the fives
then reapeat again but instead of the harmonics you play 3 s four times
do both parts 2 times
then play
e on fourth time play|
B 5|
G 5|
D 33|
A 33|
D 252322222222222523222222222233|
harmonics on the fives again
in the second part of this play 3 s four times like before on the fourt time
on fives do harmonics- on twelve do vibrato bend e |
B 555555|
G 55|
D 2h2322h2322h2322h232|
A 2h2322h2322h2322h232|
D 2h2322h232122h2322h232|
play two times
let rest for about 7 seconds e |
B |
G |
D 2|
A 2|
D 2|
e |
B 5|
G 5|
D 22222222222222play four times then 33|
A 2222222222222233|
D 2222222222222233|
harmonics on the fives
then reapeat again but instead of the harmonics you play 3 s four times
do both parts 2 times
then play
e on fourth time play|
B 5|
G 5|
D 33|
A 33|
D 252322222222222523222222222233|
harmonics on the fives again
in the second part of this play 3 s four times like before on the fourt time
on fives do harmonics- on twelve do vibrato bend e |
B 555555|
G 55|
D 2h2322h2322h2322h232|
A 2h2322h2322h2322h232|
D 2h2322h232122h2322h232|
**= pm
vibrato on firt four & vibrato on first seven e |
B |
G |
D 65|
A 3477743repeat 3 times3477743|
D 4442244422|
** ** ** ** ** **
e |
B |
G |
D 4445622|
A 4443422|
D 44422|
** **
this part changes a little bit quicker and with out the twos i did not have time to
this cuz i have shcool tomorrow so i only have time to do the ending so i hope u enjoi my tab