Kaya N' Gan Daya
Gilberto Gil

Mudar para Português

Wake up and turn I loose (3x)

For the rain is falling

Got to have kaya now (3x)

For the rain is falling

I feel so high, I even touch the sky

Above the falling rain

I feel so good in my neighbourhood

So here I come again

I got to have kaya now (3x)

For the rain is falling

Eu posso ver
O sol aparecer

Sobre a chuva que cai

Tão bom rever

A tribo, o fumacê
Do cachimbo da paz
(e muito mais)

Kaya já, na Gandaya (2x)

Kaya já, nem que a chuva Kaya

Na Gandaya, Kaya já (3x)

Nem que a chuva Kaya


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