E |99999999
B |8888
G |9999
D |7788777********778878888
A |777********78888
D |777********78888
E |99999999
B |8888
G |9999910101010
D |7788777********7788
A |777********78888
D |777********
(the bass guitar does most of the work here, so its just mike doing
Some eery effects using phaser and echo in the background)
(phaser, echo, reverb)
slide down
E |12121212\
B |2
G |2
D |2
A |0
D |
(this part is much qicker than it looks here, its just that ive
Spaced it all out so the 10 s dont look like 1 s and 0 s. grrrr)
E |
B |
G |
D |
A |778888
D |777777991010
E |
B |
G |1010
D |77101077888/10 x2
A |778877888/10
D |7777888/10
E |
B |
G |2222333/5
D |223322333/5 x2
A |003300111/3
D |33
E |
B |
G |7
D |7653
A |5653
D |653