Mallu Magalhães


Lonely, no you'll never be lonely again
Cause you have me now
I'm messy but I'm totally yours
My clumsy hands will hold you
So, you'll never be lonely again
Cause you have me.

Teardrops and ink drops
Fall on the neat floor
Forget all this, let's paint our feet.

Dream drops and fear drops
Raining at our door,
Let's lock it up, and let it go...

Lonely, no you'll never be lonely again
Cause you have me now
I'm crazy but I'm totally yours
My clumsy hands will hold you
So, you'll never be lonely again
Cause you have me.

Teardrops and ink drops
Fall on the neat floor
Forget all this, let's paint our feet.

Dream drops and fear drops
Raining at our door,
Let's lock it up, and let it go...

And I,
I'll give my best to you
You cry, I dry your pain
You smile, I smile também!

I'll give my best to you
You cry, I dry your pain
You smile, I smile também!

I'll give my best to you
You cry, I dry your pain
You smile, I smile também!

Yes, I,
I'll give my best to you
You cry, I dry your pain
You smile, I smile também!


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