Dont Cost Nothing
Steven Universo


Bright sunny day don t cost nothing

Light summer breeze don t cost nothing

What do I do with all this money?

When the only thing I want is you

Palling around don t cost nothing

Singing a song don t cost nothing

How do I spend all this money?

I d rather just spend time with you

You could buy a house and a car

I guess that I can but I ve already got a van

I could put you through college

But I m with the Gems all the time

Or I could buy you all the finest courses online

What if we took a trip?

Do you think?

Yeah I do! We could take a vacation

We could go somewhere new

Tailor-made suits, those cost something

Room with a view, those cost something

Dancing with you

Don t cost nothing

Why d we even come, we could ve done this at home

Singing a song don t cost nothing

Or was it palling around, don t cost nothing

Getting it wrong

Don t cost nothing

I tried

I m surprised you remembered any of it

What can I say, it s catchy

It s over, isn t it?

It s over, isn t it?

It s over, isn t it...


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