In The Heat Of The Morning
The Last Shadow Puppets


The blazing sunset in your eyes will tantalize
Every man who looks your way
I watched them sink before your gaze
Señorita sway
Dance with me before their frozen eyes
I'm so much in love
Like a ragged soldier catching butterflies

No man loved like I love you
Wouldn't you like to love me too
In the heat of the morning
In the shadow I'll clip your wings
And I'll tell you I love you
In the heat of the morning

I'll tie a knot in rainbow's end, organise the breeze
Light my candle from the sun
I'll give you daylight for a friend
I'll do all of these
I'll prove that it can be done, oh, I'm so much in love
Like the little boy who races with the wind


In the heat of the morning
In the shadow I'll clip your wings
And I'll tell you I love you
In the heat of the morning

Oh yeah, all day, all the way



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