For You And For Me


I am happy now
You see
I could make a tiny weenie minnie party for me

I do have some regrets
But thank God I've paid all my checks
And I have this letter back to you

Thank you for all those
Feelings, pictures, beauties on my hands
It could also be a gentle match

But I will take my shot a little further
I'm not sure about my cover
I would spend my hundred dollars
Just to stop the time and think:

"Why is this good for me?"
"Why is this good for me?"
"Why is this good for me?"

I am pleasent now I know you can't feel
I definitely doing a big party for real

I do have some regrets
But thank God I've paid all my checks
And I have this letter back to you

Thank you for all those
Feelings, pictures, beauties on my hands
It could also be a perfect match

So I will take my shot a little faster
I don't care about my accent
I would spend my hundred dollars
Just to stop the time and say:

"Yes, this is good for me."
"Yes, this is good for me."
"Yes, this is good for me."

"Yes, this is good for me."
"Yes, this is good for me."


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