Dance Of Days

Álbum: 6 First Hits (1997)

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Americano Latino

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Tela Dividida Impressão FAQ

Re                  Fa                       Re
Fallen one on the ground. Fallen one to be seen.
Fa Re Fa Re
And you go spit on it just to prove to yourself that you're the one without fear.
Fa La#
Convince yourself that you're brave and that you'll never fall.
Re La# Re La# Re Do Re
But you know it's not real and you know that someday it will come to
Do Re
ask you about the soul you've sold.
Re Fa Re
Fallen one on the ground. Fallen under your feet.
Fa Re
And you show your courage shooting in his face.
Fa Re
Now you feel like a winner and they're chanting you hymns.
Fa La#
You built your damn empire... but the fallen breaths.
Re La# Re La# Re Do Re
And you know it's not real and you know that someday it will come to
Do Re
ask you about the soul you've sold.

Re Fa Re Do
As you preach it's dead and gone I can feel it in the deep heart's core.
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Mais músicas de Dance Of Days

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  • Se estas Paredes Falassem
  • A Dança Das Estações
  • Fallen
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  • Lírios aos Anjos
  • Cem Mil Bolas de Neve
  • Tudo o Que Ficou
  • Essa Música Me Diz Tanto Que Nem Sei Como Não Tem Meu Nome
  • Apertem os cintos
  • O Rastro de Teseu
  • Comerciais de Cigarro
  • Acho que é sua vez de jogar
  • Dorian
  • Macaco Com Navalha
  • Te Prometo Estar Sempre Por Aqui
  • Tijolos amarelos
  • Balada do Corcel Verde Velho
  • Seguinte


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