San Quentin

Álbum: To Hell With Johnny Cash (2005)


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Americano Latino

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Mib Sib Mib
San Quentin, you've been livin' hell to me
Sol# Mib
You've hosted me since nineteen sixty three
Sib Mib
I've seen 'em come and go and I've seen them die
Mib Sib Mib
And long ago I stopped askin' why

Mib Sib Mib
San Quentin, I hate evry inch of you.
Sol# Mib
You've cut me and have scarred me thru an' thru.
Sib Mib
And I'll walk out a wiser weaker man;
Mib Sib Mib
Mister Congressman why can't you understand.

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A |-2-4-6-6h7--7h11-11-11-9-7-6----------
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A |---2---2-2-4---6-4-2------2-------------
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Mib Sib Mib
San Quentin, what good do you think you do?
Sol# Mib
Do you think I'll be different when you're through?
Sib Mib
You bent my heart and mind and you may my soul,
Mib Sib Mib
And your stone walls turn my blood a little cold.

Mib Sib Mib
San Quentin, may you rot and burn in hell.
Sol# Mib
May your walls fall and may I live to tell.
Sib Mib
May all the world forget you ever stood.
Mib Sib Mib
And may all the world regret you did no good.

Mib Sib Mib
San Quentin, you've been livin' hell to me.
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Mais músicas de Matanza

  • Chance Pro Azar
  • Remédios Demais
  • Quanto Mais Feio
  • Ressaca Sem Fim
  • Pandemonium
  • Bebe, Arrota e Peida
  • San Quentin
  • O último bar
  • Imbecil
  • Tempo Ruim
  • Wide Open Road
  • Devil Horse
  • Sabendo Que Posso Morrer
  • Mais Um Dia Por Aqui
  • Dashville Chainsaw Massacre
  • A Arte do Insulto
  • E Tudo Vai Ficar Pior
  • Quando Bebe Desse Jeito
  • Carvão, Enxofre e Salitre
  • O Que Está Feito, Está Feito
  • Seguinte


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