Close The Door Lightly When You Go
Renato Russo

Álbum: The Stonewall Celebration Concert (1994)

Mais versões desta música| Ver. 2 | Ver. 3 | Ver. 4 | Ver. 5 | Ver. 6 | Ver. 7 | Ver. 8 | Ver. 9 | Ver. 10 | Ver. 11 |

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Intro: Re

La Re
Turn around, don't whisper out my name
La Sol Re
For like a breeze, it'd stir a dying flame
La Re
I'll miss someone, if it eases you to know
Sol La Re4 Re
So close the door lightly when you go
Sol La Re4 Re
Who was the one that stole my mind ?
Sol La Re Re4
Who was the one that robbed my time ?
Sol La Re
Who was the one who made me feel unkind ?
Sol La Re4 Re
So fare thee well, sweet love of mine
La Re
Take your tears to someone else's eyes
They're made of glass
Sol Re
And are cut like wounded lies
La Re
Memories are drifting like the snow
Sol La Re Re4 Re
But close the door lightly when you go
La Re
Don't look back to where you once hade been
Look straight ahead
Sol Re
When you're walking through the rain
And find a light
If the path gets dark and cold
Sol La Re
But close the door lightly when you go
Sol La Re Re4 Re
But close the door lightly when you go
Sol La Re Re4 Re
But close the door lightly when you go
Toque uma música aleatória de Renato Russo




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Mais músicas de Renato Russo

  • A Canção do Senhor da Guerra
  • Pais e Filhos
  • Hey,That´s No Way To Say Goodbye
  • Andrea Doria
  • Thunder Road
  • Cathedral Song
  • A Dança
  • Música Urbana
  • Eu Sei
  • Paper Of Pins
  • Gente Humilde
  • Índios
  • I Get Along Without You Very Well
  • Metrópole
  • O Dia Em Que Eu Mais Chorei
  • Il Mondo Degli Altri
  • Eduardo e Mônica
  • Clothes Of Sand
  • Por Enquanto
  • Vento no Litoral
  • Seguinte


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