If You See Him, Say Hello
Renato Russo

Álbum: The Stonewall Celebration Concert (1994)

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Intro: (La Sol)3x Re

Re Sol Re La Re
If you see him, say hello, he might be in Tangier
Re Sol Re Do La
He left here last early spring, is livin' there, I hear
Sim Sol Re
Say for me that I'm all right though
things get kind of slow
Sim La
He might think that I've forgotten him,
Sol Re
Don't tell him it isn't so.
Re Sol Re La Re
We had a falling-out, like lovers often will
Re Sol Re
And to think of how he left that night,
Do La
it still brings me a chill
Sim Sol Re
And though our separation,
it pierced me to the heart
Sim La Sol Re
He still lives inside of me, we've never been apart
Re Sol Re La Re
If you get close to him, kiss him once for me
Sol Re
I always have respected him
Do La
for doing what he did and gettin' free
Sim Sol Re
Oh, whatever makes him happy,
I won't stand in the way
Sim La
Though the bitter taste still lingers on
Sol Re
from the night I tried to make him stay
Re Sol Re La Re
I see a lot of people as I make the rounds
Sol Re
And I hear his name here and there
Do La
as I go from town to town
Sim Sol Re
And I've never gotten used to it,
I've just learned to turn it off
Sim La Sol Re
Either I'm too sensitive or else I'm gettin' soft.
Re Sol Re La Re
Sundown, yellow moon, I replay the past
Sol Re
I know every scene by heart,
Do La
they all went by so fast
Sim Sol Re
If he's passin' back this way,
I'm not that hard to find
Sim La Sol Re
Tell him he can look me up if he's got the time.
Toque uma música aleatória de Renato Russo




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Mais músicas de Renato Russo

  • I Venti Del Cuore
  • Central do Brasil
  • Il Mondo Degli Altri
  • Old Friend
  • Nada por mim
  • A Dança
  • La Solitudine
  • As Flores do Mal
  • Depois do Começo
  • Boomerang Blues
  • Miss Celie´S Blues
  • Cherish
  • La Forza Della Vita
  • A Cruz e a Espada (Com Paulo Ricardo)
  • I Get Along Without You Very Well
  • Não Mexe Com a Bia
  • Dolcissima Maria
  • Gente Humilde (Com Hélio Delmiro)
  • Daniel Na Cova Dos Leões
  • Giz
  • Seguinte


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