28 Days

Álbum: 28 Days ( 1998)

The sand is sifting by
I only know that I will die
and pay my taxes the rest is touch and go
I wish I could just catch a glimpse of what's in store
I've wanted since I can recall
I never know what to do
I've never had a clue

I feel the future
don't tell me you don't
feel it slip away

feel it slip away

the sand is sifting by
I only know that I will die
and pay my taxes the rest is touch and go
I wish I could just catch a glimpse of what's in store
I've wanted since I can recall
I never know what to do
I've never had a clue

I feel the future
don't tell me you don't
feel it slip away
I feel the future
don't tell me you don't
feel it slip away

feel it slip away

I feel the future
don't tell me you don't
feel it slip away

feel it slip away

the sand is sifting by
I only know that I will die
and pay my taxes the rest is touch and go
I wish I could just catch a glimpse of what's in store
I've wanted since I can recall
I never know what to do
I've never had a clue.


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