Dress For The Weather
Action Item


You've got this thundercloud around you,
and I'm waiting for the storm.
I brought my boots, my coat, my umbrella
and I'm just trying to keep you warm.
I made a list of things I've always said,
but never meant.
Let me take you to your bed
so I can erase them from your head.

Get home faster, this is a disaster.
I should know better than dress for the weather.
Call me crazy, I think you're amazing.
This is the part where we get a little closer.

Casey, I know you think that I'm rarely worth your time.
But baby, would you be willing to change your mind?
And I pick myself up and dust myself off
before I get a chance to speak.
If you have the time, just give a chance.
I'd love to change your mind about me.

Get home faster, this is a disaster.
I should know better than dress for the weather.
Call me crazy, I think you're amazing.
This is the part where we get a little closer.


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