Golden Empire

Álbum: Almah ( 2006)
Mudar para Português

So long
You have been waiting for so long
You wait
Always the spring at the same place
Until you feel it again

Oh, in you!

So young
Your wishes start to grow and then
You know
You need to be fast to get them
Before they leave you again

Over the golden empire
Over the fortune and fame
All souls can live to dream away

Only you
Can make you stronger than you are
So don't
Don't watch your life flow
by your side
Without leaving a trace

Over the golden empire
Over the fortune and fame
All souls can live to dream away
Your souls arises glourious
Your heart reloads the mankind
Don't go!
Don't leave to dream away

From every mountainside
just let freedom ring
We cannot be satisfied
I still have a dream
So we're free at last

Your soul arises glourious
Your heart reloads the mankind
Don't go! Don't leave to dream away

Just a dream away


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