Get Off The Air
Angry Samoans



He can't read baby he can't talk
He's L.A.'s favorite punk rock jock
Glitter bands and Bowie's
are his ideas of new wave rock

You're a in' piece of shit now rodney
I don't think you're so hot
You make me laugh with those clothes you wear
and those stupid teeth you've got

Get off the air! Get off the air!
You pathetic male groupie, you don't impress me
Get off the air! You in' square
You're just a jerk as far as I can see

8pm Rodney's on the air
He's beating off in Joan Jet's hair
Christmas eve, what d'you got
four hours of (?)

You're a in' piece of shit now rodney
I don't think you're so hot
You make me laugh with those clothes you wear
and those lame-brain teeth you've got

Get off the air! Get off the air!
You pathetic male queer, you don't impress me
Get off the air! You in' square
You're just a jerk as far as I can see


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