For You
Angus and Julia Stone


If I talk real slowly

If I try real hard

To make my point dear

That you have my heart.

Here I go

I ll tell you,

what you already know.

Here I go.

I ll tell you,

what you already know.

If you love me, with all of your heart.

If you love me, I ll make you a star in my universe.

you ll never have to go to work.

you ll spend everyday, shining your light my way.

If I talk real slowly

If I hold your hand

If you look real closely my love,

you might understand.

Here I go

I ll tell you,

what you already know.

Here I go.

I ll tell you,

what you already know.

If you love me, with all of your heart.

If you love me, I ll make you a star in my universe.

you ll never have to go to work.

you ll spend everyday, shining your light my way.

Here I go.

I ll tell you,

what you already know.

Here I go.

I ll tell you,

what you already know.

If you love me, with all of your heart.

If you love me, I ll make you a star in my universe.

you ll never have to go to work.

you ll spend everyday, shining your light my way.


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