From SchoolHouseRock
Intro ,,
Now you can call me Lucky, because Lucky s my name
Singing and dancing, that s my game
I never did a whole day s work in my life
Still everything seems to turn out right
Like a grasshopper on a summer s day
I just love to play And pass the time away
Because I was born beneath a lucky star
They said I d go far
Making people happy, that s my favorite game
Lucky Seven is my natural name
Slipping and sliding my whole life through
Still I get everything done that I got to do
Because I was born beneath a lucky star
School is where you are?
Aw, that s not hard
Let me show you something
You multiply seven times one
I got seven days to get that problem done
Multiply seven times two
Take 14 laughs when you re feeling blue
Multiply seven times three
A 21-day vacation you can play with me
Multiply seven times four
You got 28 days (that s-a one month more)
To pay the mortgage on your store
Don t worry, something will turn up!
Multiply seven times five
I don t know how you did it, but man alive, that s 35
Multiply seven times six
Grab a stick and make a 42 clickety-clicks
Multiply seven times seven
Take 49 steps right up to seventh heaven
Multiply seven times eight
They got 56 flavors and I just can t wait
Multiply seven times nine
63 musicians, all friends of mine
Multiply seven times ten
And that brings you right back to 70 again
You know, I think that s important
There s a trick there somewhere
Multiply seven times eleven
Even a rabbit knows that s 70 plus seven
Multiply seven times twelve
You got 84, and isn t that swell
I m going to try seven times 13, just for fun
70 plus 21 Seven times 14 must be great
Well, exactly, that s a 70 plus 28
Seven times 15, man alive
That s 70 plus 35 . . . a hundred and five!
Man, this stuff is simple, no jive
You got it, now I got to fly
Excuse me folks, I m saying goodbye
I sure do thank you for the huckleberry pie
Take it home, boys
Remember Lucky Seven Sampson, that s my natural born name
If you should ask me again, I d have to tell you the same
You ll wake up tomorrow, you ll be glad that I came
Because you ll be singing one of the songs that I sang
So keep a happy outlook and be good to your friend
And maybe I ll pass this way again
Maybe! ,,