Blocking The Sunshine
Candy Hearts


Let the winter bury me in snow
To melt the loneliness i know
Out on the lawn
And mix it in with the mud.
Cause i remember things i've left behind
A pair of socks and my bike
That spent the winter sleeping inside
And you're still mad.

All i know is i want to be the one you call home.

Don't go blocking the sunshine
Don't go blocking the sunshine
Don't go blocking the sunshine
I can't change.

Have the summer help me sweat
Out all the things i don't want to have
Like the way i talk about my friends.
I can't bite my lip.

Cause i remember summers spent
With sprinklers on the wet cement,
Ripped up jeans, and silly dreams
Of always staying friends.

I'm still young and i want to lay out in the sun.

Don't go blocking the sunshine
Don't go blocking the sunshine
Don't go blocking the sunshine
I can't change.


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