La Song
Christian Kane


Pretty girl on every corner
Sunshine turns the sky to gold
Warm, warm it's always warm here
And I can't take the cold

Street littered with diamonds
Everyones glistening
This whole world shine so brightley
And I can't see a thing

She's pretty as a picture
She is like a golden ring
Settles me with love and laughter
And I can't feel a thing

The skies gonna open
People going pray and crawl
It's gonna rain down fire
It's gonna burn us all

The skies gonna open
People going pray and sing
I can't feel a thing

She's pretty as a picture
She is like a golden ring
Settles me with love and laughter
And I can't feel a thing

The skies gonna open
People going pray and crawl
It's gonna rain down fire
It's gonna burn us all

The skies gonna open
People going prey and sing
I can't feel a thing

I can't feel


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