Are You A Dreamer
Denison Witmer

Álbum: Are You a Dreamer? ( 2005)

Dream, are you a dreamer?
Are you a dreamer?
Do you dream?
Sleep, are you a sleeper?
Are you a sleeper?
Do you sleep?
When your brown eyes close
Do blue skies open up?
When your breathing slows
Your mind run fast and free?
Will you sleep and dream with me?
Love, are you my lover?
Are you my lover?
Do you love me?
Save, are you a savior?
Are you a savior?
Will you save?
When my blue eyes close
Will white clouds lift me up?
When my body slows
My mind run fast and free?
Do you hold me when I sleep?
Do you hold me when I sleep?
When your brown eyes close
Do blue skies open up?
When your breathing slows
Your mind run fast and free?
Will you sleep and dream with me?
Will you sleep and dream with me?
Water, I'm walking on water
Walking on water for you.


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