Dear Mr President
Dewey Cox


Dear Mr. president,
I want you to know,
I am deeper than you,
Listen and learn,
My heart is a chapel,
My head is a steeple,
My arms are the people,
And the people now yearn.

I stand for the midget,
I stand for the negro,
I stand for the injun,
All hopped up on booze,
I stand for the jap,
And I stand for the beaner,
I stand, yes I do,
For the christ-killin' jew.

And I stand for the dyke,
And I stand for the retard,
I stand for the chinaman,
Washing my socks,
I stand for the bum,
And the pimp, and the bugger,
And the cripple that lives,
On my street in a box.

To conclude, mr. president,
I'm not at all hesitant,
To tell you I think,
The first ladies a fox,
Her husband, the jerk off,
Has ruined my country,
That's all for today,
Sincerely, Dewey Cox


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