Dont Get Around Much Anymore
Duke Ellington

I don t know the Carmichael tunes, but here s Duke.
"Don t Get Around Much Anymore," by Bob Russell/Duke Ellington

[Verse 1]

Missed the Saturday Dance

Heard they crowded the floor

Couldn t bear it without you, don t get around much anymore

Other verses the same...The bar which leads into the bridge is just two
beats each of and then , then we come to:

[Chorus 1]

Darling, I guess, my mind s more at ease, but nevertheless

why stir up memories?

After the last verse, end on that lovely chord. Hope this is what
you need. If anybody needs full lyrics, help with the chords, or
whatever, let me know. As always, corrections and improvments welcome and
encouraged--it keeps me on my toes.


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