Enter the Worship Circle


Arise, O Lord, Deliever me. O my God

Strike all my enemies upon the jaw, quite their cause cause

they would have me on the auction block, all locked up

And tie down all that I would have with in, with chains begin to end

My freedom, freedom, freedom

freedom, freedom, freedom

( )
Watch over me when I am sleeping
Watch over me when I am waking
Watch out for me my mind is spinning
Watch out for me bring peace with in me

(Volta a base E e C#m Continua na mesma levada do início)
Dig down and lift me up again, and up again
Dig down and lift me up again, up again
Dig down and lift me up again, and up again
Dig down and lift me up again, up again
to freedom,freedom, freedom
Freedom, freedom, freedom

Adore o Rei!


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