I Believe In Love

Álbum: Epiphany ( 2004)
Mudar para Português

You arrived in my life as the light
Illuminates the darkness
In a past of nightmares
At the end of a tunnel I see your light

Living a new emotion
If you believe in dreams
With you I can get it
For everything you have a way

I believe in love
For all eternity
I need you
I know you love me
I need you now

I open my passionate eyes
To look at my love for the rest of my life
And never ignore my destiny anymore
Announcing days of prosperity

Living a new emotion
If you believe in dreams
With you I can get it
For everything you have a way

I believe in love
For all eternity
I need you
I know you love me
I need you now

I live my new world
Where nature makes me feel good
For all my life


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