Light In Your Eyes


Pour the wine; light revives
Lowering walls that divide
Kings and queens yearn to seek
Love in all its mystery

When all we wanted was love
We got cut up and burned
But there's a light in your eyes
And it tells me that God is on our side

The waning Moon; your sweet perfume
Incense for the holy ones
Secret hymns pour from your lips
Healing for this broken soul

We'd drive late and let the music tell our fates
For me this is heaven, drown our flaws
We may age if we do not die today
Until then we'll let this music be our prayers

When all we wanted was love
We got cut up and burned
But there's a light in your eyes
And it tells me that God is on our side

All we need now is love
We've been through enough
We can't run just because we're scared
We've come this far, we're not giving up


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