Human To A God
Gaelic Storm


Just a small request from a human to a god
Let me ask a favor that might seem a little odd,
I'm at a loss
I need to cross the ocean wide and I need to do it soon,
Like tomorrow afternoon
if that's okay,
Loan me some wings for a day
They don't need to be Angel's wings, I'm sure they're in demand
Something better than a chicken or a penguin would be grand.
It just can't wait
She's set the date to marry him and it really should be me,
Which explains the urgency,
I can't delay
Loan me some wings for a day.
I promise I won't use them for a daredevil career,
I won't buzz the white house, or race seagulls at the pier
I won't get caught
Doing naughty things with pigeons
Or cropdusting in Des Moines
I won't run off to join,
cirque de soleil
Loan me some wings for a day


I wouldn't ask this of anybody else, I'm sure you sympathize
Cause you're the one who made those lips, and put the sparkle in her eyes,
It's not your fault I said the things I said
I don't blame you, for making me a fool
But with these wings, I'll fly straight to her side
This time I'll follow through
Ah, cmon' God? I'd do the same for you?
You'd know, I'd do the same for you?
From a human to a God,
before she throws that last bouquet?
Loan me some wings for a day.


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