Say Anything
girl in red


I'll stand outside your door
Play songs on the radio
Like say anything
Like in say anything

It's an old movie
You probably don't know
But my mother showed me it years ago
So, say anything

You'll be the good girl
I'll be the guy to change your mind
Meet you at 2 AM
Sneak you out at night


I'll teach you how to drive
Your stick shift car into the night
Like say anything
Like in say anything

It's an old movie
You probably don't know
But my mother showed me it years ago
So say anything

Say anything to me
Say anything, Diane
Say anything to me

You'll be the good girl
I'll be the guy to change your mind
Meet you at 2 AM
Sneak you out

You'll be the good girl
I'll be the guy to change your mind
Meet you at 2 AM
Sneak you out at night


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