Goo Goo Dolls

Álbum: Gutterflower ( 2002)

Stranger than your sympathy
and this is my apology
i kill myself from the inside out
and all my fears have pushed you out
I wish for things that i don't need
all i wanted
and what i chase won't set me free
it's all i wanted
and i get scared but i'm not crawling on my knees
Oh yeah everything's all wrong yeah
everything's all wrong yeah
where the hell did i think i was
Stranger than your sympathy
i take these things so i don't feel
i kill myself from the inside out
now my head's been filled with doubt
It's hard to lead the life you choose
all i wanted
when all your luck's run out on you
all i wanted
and you can't see when all your dreams are coming true
Oh yeah it's easy to forget yeah
and you choke on the regrets yeah
who the hell did i think i was
Stranger than your sympathy
all these thoughts you stole from me
i'm not sure where i belong
nowhere's home and i'm all wrong
And i wasn't all the things
i tried to make believe i was
and i wouldn't be the one to kneel
before the dreams i wanted
and all the talk and all the lies
were all the empty things disguised as me
stranger than your sympathy
stranger than your sympathy...


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