Matter Of Time



Can't touch this, we rule it with a clenched fist,
On, top fuel with a death grip
Judged, by a weak little man with a pen in his hand and just doesn't ing get it
Own, couldn't stop us if you wanted to
School, breaking knuckles with a ruler,
Done, no more, emergence, to dominate you

Run, hide, your time is coming
Hunt, find, walking a fine line
Run, hide, my time is coming
Hunt, find, it's just a matter of time

Talk your shit, and get some balls to back it
Plague, HELLYEAH coming with a vengeance
Victim, by a weak little man with a gun in his hand and I don't ing get it
Sick, livid and my stomach aches
Rage, boiling over, full of hate
Weak, worthless, spineless and we're coming for you

Run, hide, your time is coming
Hunt, find, walking a fine line
Run, hide, my time is coming
Hunt, find, It's just a matter of time

Just like a storm rolling over,
Rebellion is rising, blazing the steeds,
Don't Fire until you see the whites of their eyes,
Burned at the stake within me,

Warhead, payback, settle the score

Run hide, your time is coming,
Hunt, find, walking a fine line,
Run hide, my time is coming
Hunt find, It's just a matter of run hide


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