Yesterday Night
Itchy Poopzkid

Álbum: Heart to Believe ( 2007)

Yesterday night started with a smile of the girl,
that's sleeping right by my side.
I wanted I needed to make her mine for such a long time
It seemed so amazing and great to me
but suddenly, somehow all of my dreams
where fading and drifting so slowly away.
I guess those feelings were all wrong and on and on and on and on.
I've been waiting for so long,
waiting for this night to come
but now I'd better be moving on and on and on and on and on
because this time everything went wrong.
I thought, she was the one.
Can anyone, anyhow be so wrong?
I was blinded, diverted by her sweet sight.
Refused to look behind.
Too bad I'm down and that girl is out.
Still way too hard to think and smile about.
I need some, some distance and time alone with this frustration.
That's why I'm running away leaving dreams behind


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