Teardrops Fall
Jessica Lowndes


Standing right in front of me
Right where you used to be
Memories all I can see
Drifting in the sky
And now I have to go
But I need you to know
I love too much and so
I have to say goodbye

But it's better to have loved and lost
Then never to have loved at all
I wish I could believe these words
While my lonely teardrops fall

A laughing couple in the rain
Makes me miss you once again
Wonder if you think of me
Trying not to care
Lying all alone in bed
I go over the things you said
Was it all in my head?
Were you ever really there?

It's better to have loved and lost
Then never to have loved at all
I wish I could believe these words
While my lonely teardrops fall
Time will heal this broken heart
And I'll stop hoping that you'll call
I wish I could believe these words
While my lonely teardrops fall

I wish I knew how to get over you
Sometimes it hurts so much that I wonder when
Or if I'll ever love again

It's better to have loved and lost
Then never to have loved at all
I wish I could believe these words
While my lonely teardrops fall


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