Bread of life, truth eternal,
Broken now to set us free.
The Risen Christ, his saving power,
Is here in Bread and Wine for me.
[Verse 1]
Lord, I know I am not worthy to receive you.
You speak the words and I am healed.
Here at your table, Loveâs mystery:
One bread, one cup, one family. (Bread of....)
[Verse 2]
Lord by your cross, you reconciled us to the Fa - ther.
We have only to believe.
Your sacrifice, our victory,
Now by your blood we are redeemed. (Chorus
[Verse 3]
Lord, you gave your people manna in the des-ert,
Still you fulfil our every need.
Lord when we hunger, Lord, when we thirst,
We come to you and we receive. the Bread of
Words & Music by Joanne Boyce & Mike Stanley