SONG NAME - Band Name
Tabbed by:awesomeman1452
[email protected]
I want...
(7th) (7th)
I want...
(5th) (5th)
I want...
(4th) (3rd)
to say my name, say my name
(repeat two more times)
can t you see what the world has done to me
i ve gotten greedy,
Am11 am add11
and i just can t change my ways
if you want to listen to to the capitalistic garble,
that i m throwing out,
just sit down,
because we have a long way to go.
that s all i got so far, i know it all, i just didn t feel like tabbing it all.
| / slide up
| slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note