Jonathan Rhys Meyers


I break, I borrow, I live, I loose
I pray, I am hollowed, I am dead, confused
I ll find you

What is love and what is it for
I am stuck outside an open door
And no one is come to get me yet
I never got a second bet
I am welcomed to your fantasy
If only she was make-believe
Oh what is love and what is it for?
Oh take me back and do me more
Ooh take me back and do me more

I break, I borrow, I live, I loose
I pray, I am hollowed, I am dead, Confused
I ll find you

Once you are here you are never gone
Oh, once you're here you're never gone
I fall from in out the cold
A piece of me that I can't hold
I love you as I loose you more
I break outside this open door
Catch me as I wash away
Oh, catch me as I wash away
Ooh, catch me as I wash away

I break, I borrow, I live, I loose,
I pray, I am hollowed, I am dead, confused

I pray, I am hollowed, I am dead, confused
I ll find you


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