Super X-Ray Vision
Jupiter Sunrise


So you like guys in uniform
I think I'll buy a uniform
And maybe you will like me better
Maybe I will like me better.
And maybe I'll be stronger with my super x-ray vision
Then I could see right through you
Just like you could see through me,
Mr super feelings boy

I know a policeman, he carries a gun
He has superhuman strength
He lives in the sun
I know a policeman, he carries a gun
He never feels helpless
He never has fun
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, like me

So you like the way he looks
I think I kind of look that way
If I died my hair and grew a bit, and threw away the cape.
Only to reveal the helpless little boy that can't destroy a fly with worthless x-ray vision

So who's it gonna be? Mr
Super-Hero man or me?


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