Apple Pie Bed
Lawrence Arabia


Since you met me you've been trying to pull me out of this apple pie bed.
You've been pulling, you've been winching, you've been holsting
But my legs are made of lead.
And all I could hear from the very start
Was the frequency of your beating heart.
I was consumed with greed,
You were like weed in a time of need.
Lord I got down on my knees and believed.

Apple pie where my body's made of lead
Apple pie bed, apple pie where my body's made of lead
Apple pie bed, apple pie where my body's made of lead
Apple pie bed, apple pie where my body's made of lead

Since you met me you've been trying to pull me out of this cold,
Defiant soup.
You've been pushing, you've been pinching, you've been prodding
But my mind was in a loop.
And all I could hear since the dawn of man
Was the ocean in a cola can.
I was consumed by you,
I was like a beer in a glass to you,
Girl I don't know what I'd do without you.

Apple pie where my body's made of lead
Apple pie bed, apple pie where my body's made of lead
Apple pie bed, apple pie where my body's made of lead
Apple pie bed, apple pie where my body's made of lead


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