Pure Bride


He's coming for a pure bride
He's coming for a pure bride
See Him riding in the skies!
See the fire inside His eyes!
Through the darkness His light will shine
In His glory He's lifted high!
He's coming for a pure bride

He's coming for a pure bride
He's coming for a pure bride
See Him riding in the skies!
See the fire inside His eyes!
Through the darkness His light will shine
In His glory He's lifted high!
He's coming for a pure bride

The Lord is coming for His bride
Make way for the Lord
He's clothing all His children in white!
Make way for the Lord!

The Lord is coming for His bride
Make way for the Lord
He's clothing all His children in white!
Make way for the Lord!
Make way for the Lord!

What are you doing when no one is watching?
What are you doing?
Children get your hearts right. God's coming for a pure bride!
Children get your hearts right!


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