Big Dreams
Likely Lads


Big dreams in a little city,
Talk of a town where the sky looks pretty,
Life feels good like a summers eve,
And the breaths you take will be the best that you breathe

For so long I've been feeling jaded,
Now my brains messed up, It's been invaded,
And i can't I cannot keep living like this,
Hoping to stumble on a miracle a dream or a wish,
No don't feel down there's a place out there,
Where the clouds breathe optimism in the air,
What's mine is yours, what's ours is theirs,
And we can do what we want because they do not care,
They're singing

Impatience is my only virtue,
Life just builds you up, then your luck deserts you,
And i won't i will not keep living this way,
Too many voices in my head, they'll lead me astray,
No don't feel down there's a place out there,
Where the clouds breathe optimism in the air,
What's mine is yours, what's ours is theirs,
And we can do what we want because they do not care,
They're singing


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