Refrain: Go with the flow, that s what they say.
Go with the flow, and you ll be k
Verse #1: The flows like rushing down a stream with a -- six man a-rowing
team, you don t know whats gonna happen to you but you gotta ride the
flow the, Whole way through. Refrain.
Verse #2: The flow is like a rhythem, you just can t stop it, it s like a
good topic, you can t drop it. The rhythems go a beat, it just can t end.
topic so eternal you can t comprehend. Refrain. Riff 1
Riff 1: A string 5 3
Low string 5 3 1 3x Refrain.
Verse #3: Go with the flow, it has no end. the place it will take you, you
can t pretend. Refrain, Verse #1
Thank You for reading. I made this song up, and hope to someday become a famous
guitarist. If you want more of my songs, Go to my web site.