I Remember
Mitch Colin


I remember a time when my life was so crazy
That memory of love is so hazy
Desires within me softly burning

I remember my dreams of the past now departed
Their visions so clear how they started
Those moments reflecting all the hurting

I remember my destiny held in my hand
The passing of time that I don't understand
Or why I grew up and lost my way

I remember emotions so strong with such feeling
With heartache and devotion revealing
Unsure if love was so bad to believe the truth

I never should have fallen in love if my mind was in doubt
When the passion, desire and longing for love was without
Like a fool still the pain and the heartbreak I suffered from the start
As I blindly thought my love was so pure
And its pleasure was a taste I felt sure
Would just keep us together remaining forever in my heart

I never should have fallen in love if my mind was in doubt
When the passion, desire and longing for love was without
Like a fool still the pain and the heartbreak I suffered from the start
As I blindly thought my love was so pure
And its pleasure was a taste I felt sure
Would just keep us together remaining forever in my heart

Like a fool still the pain and the heartbreak I suffered from the start
As I blindly thought my love was so pure
And its pleasure was a taste I felt sure
Would just keep us together remaining forever in my heart
I never should have fallen in love if my mind was in doubt


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