Bury Me Under The Weeping Willow Tree
Natalie Merchant

[ Capo 2 ]

Well, my heart is sad

And I am lonesome

For the only one I love

When shall we meet? Oh no no never

Till we meet in heaven above

Chorus followed by Instrumental

So bury me underneath the willow

Under the weeping willow tree

So that she may know where I am sleeping

And perhaps she?ll weep for me

Well, she told me that

She dearly loved me

Oh my lord how can it be?

Until the angels softly whispered,

?she will prove untrue to you?

Chorus followed by Instrumental

Tomorrow was to be

Our wedding day

But oh my god Where can she be?

She?s out a courting with another

And no longer cares for me

Chorus followed by Instrumental
Chorus and End


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