Only Ash Remains


Fear is never gone from your soul

that saw humiliation.

Being prey to the blackest of demons,

paralyzed you fail.

Fallen beneath

the mark of dignity,

you fail.

(A) demon passed on from one

to the next infiltrates

a mind innocent and pure;

planting the seed to possess

another soul that is doomed to fail.

Only Ash Remains

[Solos: Muenzner/ Suicmez/ Muenzner/ Suicmez]

(A) demon passed on from one

to the next infiltrates

a mind innocent and pure;

being prey to the blackest

of demons, paralyzed they fail.

Fallen beneath

the mark of dignity,

they fail.

Only Ash Remains

Letra añadida por: PaK (#29.825)


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