Never Shout Never


I am I
You are You
We are We
We could live in such harmony
Can't you see apathy
Lies between
We could live in such harmony
And I am praying for the day
When you and I and he and she are we
When you and I and he and she are we
Humaniny will sing harmony

We started a war
But, what its for?
We fight for peace
Peace will find us with harmony
So trade your guns
Fires with doves
We fight for love
And peace will find us with harmony

And I am praying for the day
When you and I and he and she are we
When you and I and he and she are we
Humanity will sing harmony

So one for all
And all for one
We for we
We could sing in such harmony
I work for you
You work for me
We work for free
And we could sing in such harmony

And I am praying for the day
When you and I and he and she are we
When you and I and he and she are we
Humanity will sing harmony


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