She made me cry

Álbum: Hojas ( 2000)
Mudar para Português

Let me tell, my whole story
I had some time ago
She was a pretty little girl
She was my wife, I was so glad

My happiness finished so fast, my
She broke my heart and told me
She didn't love me no more
Then today I am alone

I spend my time, spend my time
Sweeping the floor
The dust goes my mind flies

The time goes by and I know
I'll find another girl
But I still remember
She made me cry!

The time goes by and I know
I'll find another girl
But I still remember
She made me cry!

The time goes by and I know
I'll find another girl
But I still remember
She made me cry!

The time goes by and I know
I'll find another girl
But I still remember
She made me cry!


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