Paper Of Pins
Renato Russo

Álbum: The Stonewall Celebration Concert ( 1994)
Mudar para Português

I'll give to you this paper of pins
If that's the way our love begins
If you will marry me, me, me
If you will marry me

I'll not accept your paper of pins
If that's the way our love begins
And I'll not marry you, you, you
No, I'll not marry you

I'll give to you this dress of red
All stitched around with golden thread
If you will marry me, me, me
If you will marry me

I'll not accept your dress of red
All stitched around with golden thread
And I'll not marry you, you, you
No, I'll not marry you

I'll give to you this golden chest
So you may have money at your request
If you will marry me, me, me
If you will marry me

I'll not accept your golden chest
So I may have money at my request
And I won't marry you, you, you
No, I won't marry you

Well, I'll give to you my hand and my heart
So we may marry and never part
If you will marry me, me, me
If you will marry me

I will accept you hand and your heart
That we may marry and never part
And I will marry you, you, you
And you will marry me, me, me
Yes, I will marry you


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