Auld Lang Syne
Robert Burns


Should old acquaintances be forgotten,
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintances be forgotten,
And days of long ago!

For old long ago, my dear
For old long ago.
We will take a cup of kindness yet
For old long ago.

We two have run about the hillsides?and pulled the daisies fine,
But we have wandered many a weary foot?for old long ago.

We two have paddled (waded) in the stream?from noon until dinner time,
But seas between us broad have roared?since old long ago.

And there is a hand, my trusty friend,
And give us a hand of yours,
And we will take a goodwill draught (of ale)
For old long ago!

And surely you will pay for your pint,
And surely I will pay for mine!
And we will take a cup of kindness yet
For old long ago


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