Dangerous Bastard
Rockstar's Love Fist



Come on now!

Lemme see ya!!

Yeah, I'm a dangerous bastard
And I'm bullet-proof
I tell ya life is a lesson, look
Sometimes I get flu

The devil looks into my eye
And he makes my voice go ahh!
There is nothing in his eye
God I need to know

Is it true you like my curls?
Do you think we look like girls?
Would it cause a sexual block
If you saw our great, big socks!

Lemme see ya!

I keep drivin' faster!
Going through the roof
I wanna run a delicatessen love
That don't make me a proof

Action, camera, lipstic lights
I fit in mercede's tights
No-one knows I play guitar
Wearing her red bra

Is it true you like my curls?
Do you think we look like girls?
Would it cause a sexual block
If you saw, our, great, big socks!


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