All I Want
Saigon Kick


I have danced in the finest ballrooms.
I have loved, never loosing sight.
I have sighed at the sight of Paris.
All I want is you. All I need is you.
I would die from a soldiers bullet.
I would wait in the noon day sun.
I would cry from the highest mountain.
All I want is you. All I need is you.
I can run with the bulls in Spain.
I can have the finest jewels.
I could climb the himalayas.

I am the one who kneels down, don't you know?
I want the things only you could ever show.
You need a man who loves you more than his life.
Zero's the price for the ride into life.
I never thought the sun would rise on a day as fine as this.
All my life, I would dream it happened.
All I want is you. All I need is you.


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